Kristen is still feeling pretty crappy. About all she can do is stay home and read and sleep a bunch. Poor kid. She' s almost out of medicine too, so we're going to go back to the doctor today to get more and let him have a look to see if things are healing like they should. She hasn't been able to eat much of anything, and she's lost about 10 pounds already. She has a hard time swallowing, so literally all she's eaten since her surgery is 2 popsicles, a tiny bit of bread, a tiny bit of soup, half a baked potato (over several days), and a couple bowls of ice cream. Her throat just hurts too much to eat much more than that. I sure hope she's better soon.
I can't remember if I mentioned it or not, but I did finally buy a computer, an HP laptop. So far, it has been a total pain in the ass. It worked fine for about a week, then froze up shortly after getting back from GSA. Aparently the hard-drive broke, so they sent me a new one for free, but the sent me a 40GB one instead of a 80GB that I paid for. I just recently got another 80GB one that works, but now I can't reinstall Windows properly. Some crucial file seems to be missing or something. I'm trying it one last time (takes about an hour and half to install), and if it doesn't do it this time, I think I'll demand a new copy of Windows or an entirely new computer. At least they've been helpful on their end. Too bad the damn thing just doesn't work like it ought to!
Not much else new going on. School still busy and getting busier. The labs I teach are done next week, and it'll be nice to be done with that! Tons of work to do on my thesis of course, and I'll probably be working on that over break. Business has really slowed down at the shop, and there hasn't been anything for me to do. I think a complete overhaul of a nice old Specialized Allez was the last thing I did on Saturday. One of those high end old bikes that was never really ridden, but the owner wanted it checked out anyway.
Well, I'll let you all know how Kristen's doing if anything new comes up. Haven't had much chance to take any pretty pictures or anything. The leaves are pretty right now though...