Thursday, March 24


Well, it's official now, it's finally spring. Not just because the equinox has passed... the snow has finally begun to melt. Granted, there's still more than a foot in most places, but in other places you can see the luscious green grass. Actually, all you can see if soggy, smelly mud. Spring in Maine tends to be more about mud and bugs than about flowers and sunshine. But still, I'm very excited that it's warming up. Winter just gets me down after a while. I love snow, but you can get too much of a good thing...
Supposed to go bowling tonight. Geology students vs. faculty. Should be pretty stupid. Can't wait. I think this will be the fourth time ever to go bowling. I'm no good at it at all.
I've decided that I need to quit spending money before I have any. Not that I have credit card bills or debt (other than school loans), it's just that I think of all these wonderful toys I could buy if I just had the money. A touring bike, a new trials bike, a snow bike, stuff for my car, a sailboat, backpacking gear, bike tools, etc... there are so many fun things out there that I'd like to have. I need to stop dreaming and get in touch with reality. That reality probably involves starving my ass through grad school, hopefully followed by a well paying job, during which I'll continue to starve as I pay off my loans. The future looks bright.
Sometimes I wish I could just run away to a desserted island and live out my days eating mangoes and coconuts, living in my small bamboo shack. It's a difficult decision for me. Would I be happy living in isolation? Will I be happy working a regular job, with regular bills and responsibilities? I think the opportunity to choose came after highschool. I started off with the isolation (hiking the Appalachian Trail), but wound up going to college. Now I've got debt. So, I'm probably stuck going this direction with my life. Will it make me happy? Who knows. Once you choose one way or another, there's no turning back. Sucks you only get one go at life.

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