Thursday, September 29


Busy busy with school lately, but here's some things I might have forgotten to mention...
Finished that BMX cruiser (24" wheels) a while ago and have been riding it to school and back. It's a short little bike which is taking some getting used to. It's also geared a bit too hard. It's a 41x14. It's a pretty hard gear to push most of the time. I can't even spin out when I sprint down a hill. I'm going to gear it down to about 32X14. That might be a bit low, but it'll be easier since I'm used to a really low gear (from the trials bike).
Speaking of bikes, haven't had any time at all to ride lately. Pretty bummed about that, but we've still been walking in the mornings and on weekends. Sam's doing well, as is Zephyr. I'll try to take some more pictures this weekend or something.
Exciting weather on the way. Not exciting as in dangerous tornadoes or anything though. Cold front on the way, which will bring thunderstorms, and cold temperatures! It's supposed to get down to 48 tonight! I can't ever remember looking forward to Winter so much. It's late September, and it's still in the 90's. Ah well. I guess I'll get a quick dose of winter when we're in Maine in early December. Followed by gorgeous weather in the Bahamas. Long time till then though.
Subaru has a slow leak in the right rear tire. These tires only have about 10k on them, so I don't know what's up. I imagine there's a nail or something stuck somewhere. For now, I have to pump it up every week or so, since it goes almost flat. Takes a while with a bike pump... I suppose I should have that taken care of before the nail or whatever falls out and it goes flat real quick.
That also reminds me... Mom, I finally got health insurance. You can thank Kristen for that. Wound up getting it through the school, since I don't think I'm eligible for short-term insurance anymore.
So how's everyone doing? Haven't heard from anyone in a while...


Anonymous said...

wus up will, back in town for a couple days and there should be a package for you and kristen pretty soon. Just a little small thing.
been dodging bears like crazy this last month, even had two brown bears on the porch. You ever get those pictures from Sheila? walked across Baranof Island and made it to the south end as well. then all hell broke loose and it started blowing 65. I thought the tree house was going to end up in the log jam. lots of humpbacks showing up and get to watch the sunrise and drink coffee on a cedar bench I made when its not pouring or the bears aren't around. The bears took a couple good chunks out of the bench, guess it was in there way. eatting lots of fresh salmon, but halibut fishing been a more sucessful excuse to drink than actually catch any fish.
I'll try and post a couple pictures, can't believe you have two dogs. thats awesome. still pretty happy with just a little kitty.
take care TEal

Anonymous said...

Dear Will,
Thanks very much, Will, for taking on the health insurance and for letting me know you have done that. But you will have to cancel it since I have no info at all (as in your policy number, etc.) Please cancel as soon as you can since I have just been to the dentist and can use the extra money!
I'm ready for winter, too. Fewer exciting things weather wise will be nice. Any damage from the tornado to Montgomery Hall? They had been saying for years that the whole structure above the 3rd floor was teetering (sp?) on only about 1/2" of support - just a little more shifting and the whole thing would be tumbling down
I'll look forward to the new photos. Will there be some pictures of you and your new body and some of Kristen too? Also, I'd love to see an outside picture of where you are living so I can visualize you there when I talk with you on the phone.
Love you. MOM

Will Waterstrat said...

Mom, I'm not sure what you're talking about with the insurance... I'll try to call tonight. I paid for it, so why should I cancel it?