Went out on the usual walk this morning (only just me and Zephyr, Kristen wasn't feeling well). Got out almost to Southfarm where there's no lights. Zephyr goes off somewhere to do her business, and I see this very big dark dog sneak up on her. She didn't even see him coming... anywho, it was a big Weimaraner (one of those grey lab-looking dogs). I was hoping someone was out walking around with him or something, but no one turned up. He started to follow us home, so I put him on the leash and walked him home. He has a collar but no tags (again!) and he's not neutered (again!). He's a really good looking dog and seems pretty well trained (again!). He's darker than most Weimaraners I've seen, and his eyes are brown (I think they're usually grey). Anywho, I made a bunch of posters to put up around campus, because we've been through all this two dog stuff before. Even though he seems to be a great dog (and good looking, and probably worth something), the sooner we find his owners the better. Hopefully, someone is looking for him.
I'll probably have pictures tomorrow if someone hasn't claimed him yet... Here's one from the internet just so you have an idea if you don't know what a Weimaraner looks like...
You have to come to terms with the roaming dog issue. Folks are horrible irresponable with animals, I would notify the animal control and shelter folks, and I would be extremely reluctant to be come directly involved because you could be held legally responsible. For example - a claim that you stole the dog, or the dog bites someone while he is in your possession. Just legal cost alone could devastate you. So having seen this happen to people before and being an old man, delegate that responsibility.
This is one of the unfortunate risks of out so called advanced society- and it will get much worse
Sorry the old man
Dad You need to take a big deep breath.
Exactly what I was thinking... I'm not concerned about someone sueing me because I took care of their dog. In my opinion, the owners are extremely irresponsible for not having tags on him, and for losing him in the first place. And he's not going to attack anyone, he doesn't go out of the house without one of us, and he's about the most docile dog I've ever met anyway. I appreciate the concern, but damn old man, I think all this political crap you're having to do is getting to your head. I think it's high time you took a long sail to Alaska like you used to tell us about. Cruising up the inside passage while peanut butter cookies are baking in the galley. Anchoring in some unnamed cove at night and reading a book until you fall asleep, while seals spalsh around and the phosphorescence sparkles like the stars... If anyone asked me, I'd say you and mom certainly deserve a break. Go have some fun! You grumpy old fart.
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