Finally got a chance to go out to the refuge yesterday. I was suprised to find that it's changed quite a bit. First of all the road is now paved, and most of all, there's a big headquarters/visitor center on the shore of the big lake. Kristen and I hiked the Beaver Dam trail (off the main road before you cross the spillways) and went out to the goose overlook and that one pavillion out in a field. It was cool to be out there and it brought back lots of warm fuzzy memories of family trips out there. It's still a nice quiet place with not too many people around. Though come to think of it, there were several hunters and it was Sunday, so most people were probably in church... Anyway, took a couple pictures while we were out there.

Along the Beaver Dam trail...

Zephyr in mid-gallop...

View from pavillion thingy...

Weirdos at the goose overlook...
That's still the best place to take a dog for a run, though, right? The colors in the first shot were so familiar. Rhat part can't change no matter what else does.
Ya'll look so good.
Take care. Hope classes start out right. Love you. MOM
Starkville/MSU Community Band solicits members
The MSU band staff would like to invite all faculty and staff members with previous band experience to play in the Starkville/MSU Community Band. The band will meet on Monday evenings this semester from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the MSU Band Hall. Anyone with previous band experience is welcome to come, even if it's been a few years since you've played.
For more information, contact Valerie Tate at Continuing Education (325-8876) or Elva Kaye Lance at the band office (325-2713).
You may also register online:
I saw that you put that up earlier too. I checked it out and did everything to sign up except pay, hoping they'd contact me. Nothing yet...
Will and Kristen
Thanks for doing that.
Not much new here, wanting badly to adjust to winter. Yer Ma and I rode the trail from nighthawk to enloe dam- including the tunnel. Was an awesome ride, wished we had some photos to share, the coolest moment other than the tunnel was the herd of 8-9 horses that were chasing down your mom. Would have been a wonderful shot- black horses galloping behind your high viz yellow coated mom
the fat and old man
Awesome! I'm stoked you guys went out for a ride together. I can't remember the last time I saw mom on a bike. Cool. I've always wanted to ride more in that area up there. Maybe I'll bring my bike up next christmas...
I went riding on Tuesday. It was pouring when I started, and worse by the time I was done, but it was great to get out and ride again. Riding in the rain always makes me feel hardcore anyway.
PS - I'm trying to sell the trials bike.
So how much for the trials bike. Is it big and strong enough for a fat assed 62 yr old to ride. This old dog wants to learn new tricks
the old man
If you're serious, I'll give you a good deal...
Yeah, it'd be strong enough for you. It held up to my abuse when I weighed about 50lbs more than now...
I assume you're joking though...
Always interested in the finer things in life, like bikes etc. Need something I can blow off some steam with. Probably bust my ass, but what the hell, it beats eatin donuts and smokin
The old man
nothing beats eating donuts and smoking
Hey, I didn't know there were cops that read this! :)
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