Friday, September 22


I was riding yesterday, on my way out the first part of southfarm, and an SUV was approaching. I moved over to let it pass, and as it goes by, I notice the two girls in it were flashing me the "loser" sign. What the hell... Kinda sucks that one of the things I like doing the most is seen as a loser thing to do by most people. Kinda of a downer, but it's not going to make me ride any less.
Also wore through my tires, down to the threads (and beyond). I've been getting a lot of flats lately, and I've noticed some gashes in my rear tire, which I tried to boot. Yesterday though, I stopped in time to notice a bubble of tube protruding through what remains of a tread. Guess it's time for some new tires...
Don't know if I mentioned it or not, but I bought a light for the bike (that LED you got me Teal just isn't quite enough for riding with no streetlights) and I've been doing laps at night, since the daylight is running out. One night just for the hell of it, I decided to see how quick I could do a lap (6 miles). I managed it in about 20 minutes, in the big ring the entire time. I could probably do it faster during the day, and if the gravel were a bit smoother, but it was still pretty good. That's about 18 miles per hour, which is alright on a mountain bike, right? I bet I could do sub-20 minutes if I put on my cross tires or the ol' Specialized Mt. Baldys (like a ritchey speedmax, but even less agressive). But for now, I'm just trying to get some miles in. Seems to be going well too. I'm still losing weight, and I'm down to below what I was when I started the A.T. Definitely never going to be 170 again, but that was gross.
I've got the old camera working, so maybe I'll take some pictures with that this weekend. I need to contact PENTAX and find out what is up with the other one... I really want it back!
We've got fall break coming up soon, and Kristen's going to go to Philadelphia to visit an old friend. I don't plan on going anywhere, but maybe I'll finally make it over to Oak Mountain or something. It'd be fun to do a little camping. Just have to bring Zephyr along with me, which may or may not be a problem... hmm...
Anywho, not a lot going on otherwise...


Anonymous said...

Hey Hippie
I've got exactly the opposite problems that you do. No time to ride and a pair of tires with way too much tread still on them. I'm taking the GRE tomorrow and am pretty freaked out about it. I'm going to send you some pics from Sheila and my trip to vancouver island last week. I have a CD I would like to send you, so send me your address in the reply.
I need a new job in 6 weeks. Any sweet field bio jobs in Starkburg??


Will Waterstrat said...

It's not that I've got much time to ride, like I said, I've been riding at night a lot...
I took the GRE too and totally bombed it. I've never been good at standardized tests, but I really screwed this one. Of course it didn't help that I almost died on the way to take it, since it snowed 3 feet in an hour or so and I was driving a crappy dodge neon with semis blasting by at 80, blasting up snow that blocked the view for 30 seconds or so. Took 3 hours to go a distance that usually took 50 minutes. I think I got a 1080 or something miserable... You'll probably top that no problem.
My address is 1110 F. Blackjack Rd, Starkville, MS 39759
How's life on that boat? I'll check around for field bio jobs.