Not a lot going on around here. Since I've been back, I finished up the DIS (directed individual study) geomorphology class I was supposed to have done last semester. Got an A in that, which is nice to have out of the way. I'm continuing to work on my thesis too of course. The maps have been done for a while, and I'm almost done measuring some of the geometric parameters (area, perimeter, etc) so I can get started on the analysis. After that, I guess is when I start writing. Not really looking forward to all that, but I guess it'll get done before too long. Actually, I need to defend by March 29th, so it's really not that far away at all. Yikes.
I'm only taking one class this semester, and it only meets for 3 hours, once a week. But I'm at school all the time, working on stuff. I got stuck teaching the night labs again this semester, so Wednesday and Thursday, I'm here until at least 8 or so. It's not so bad though I guess, just makes for a long day (for Zephyr too). Still working at the bike shop some too, lots of repairs lately, but otherwise the same old place.
I'm going to start looking for jobs soon, which scares the shit out of me. I've put off joining the "real world" long enough, but I guess I can't do it much longer. Unless I go for my Ph.D., which I don't want to do right now, if ever. A friend of mine in California is trying to convince me to move to San Francisco. Jobs out there for sure, but I don't know if I could deal with all the people. I guess it's worth a try. But really, the main draw for me going out there is her, and I think she knows that.
Anyway, that's about it... Lots to do and lots on my mind...
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