All sorts of things have happened since I last wrote anything on here. Some good, some bad, some happy, some sad. I'll see if I can summarize it chronogically...
On June 30th, I was not staying at my usual place for the weekend, because the people I'm living with were having company over. I got a call at work from her, saying she'd had Zephyr outside, but she wasn't coming back when she called. I drove home and ran all over the place yelling for her. Eventually asked the people at the hotel across the road if they'd seen her. They had. She'd been hit by a car and didn't make it. So the sweetest dog I've known is no more.
Felt pretty bad for a while after that, but work got busy, so I didn't have much time to dwell on it. Spent a lot of my spare time going paddling. In the process, rekindled my enthusiasm for kayaking. Did some camping, a lot of paddling at night, going out in the fog, etc...
Somewhere in there I had a few job interviews. Wound up getting a job in Montpelier Vermont, doing geology stuff. It's probably not going to be the most exciting work, but it's geology related, pays well, and will keep me occupied for a few years until I figure out what I really want to do with myself. That'll be starting on October 1st. Trying to find a place to live in the meantime. The kayak shop is still open, so I'm working here a bit still.
Had some trouble with feeling lonely earlier this summer, and I never do very well with that. A month or so ago, I met a girl and got quickly attached to her, despite it being a complicated situation. Turns out it was too complicated. To make it a short story, after a month or so of being extremely happy, I'm back to being lonely. Seems like the way of the world sometimes. I guess all I can do is keep trying.
Seems sometimes that I write these things more to get my thoughts out of my head than things I really want to share, but whatever. Sorry I've been so out of touch this summer, it's been busy.
Here's a picture or two...
The Cuckholds Light from Cape Newagen.
Glad you are back online. Incredible photos. The photo of the cuckholds should be published.
We moved Volant to Blaine. Was a 120 mile grind, but beats working. Have a winter maintaince plan to go after some of the issues. Other than that its just grinding through work and hoping I don't stroke out or MI.
Any way awesome photos. Miss you. Hope you can make it out to WA soon
The old man
I agree the cuckholds shot is amazing. Sheila and I have submitted a couple photos to Natl Geo, but none as good as that. Here is the submission address.
Its Mushroom season on the west side of washington and us herpe hunters have been dining on wild mushrooms galore. All the vine maples are turning red and the big leafs maples are dropping the leaves too. Spent most of the week in a great old growth spruce forest (so rare these days) near the cleareater river. hunting chantrelles and watching beavers. The Sandhill Cranes are starting to fly over which is wierd to hear at night, and and all the frogs and owls are starting up again. Seems like they are quiet all summer and they make a final fairwell speech before winter. But the push is on to get the hell out of the Olympics and into the South Cascades before the rains start. I'll be in Skomakawa before halloween at the end of the season.
Sheila and I are headed off to Westport and Tokeland for her birthday. Should be a hoot. They have a 30 mile garage sale this weekend.
Have fun house hunting
take care
Thanks for the nice comments guys. I really think it's just that I happen to be in a beautiful place, and manage to be in the right spot at the right time. All I do is aim and hit a button...
Couldn't hurt to submit them though...
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