Anyway... This is the Winooski river that runs through town. It flows into Lake Champlain near Burlington. I thought it looked really neat with all the steam on the surface. It has frozen over entirely a few times, but now it's flowing freely with chunks of ice floating by. The building I work in is actually visible in the first pictures. Along the left of the river with some snow blowing across the roof.
So Will, why didn't you go skinny dippin, let me guess the shrinkage issue?
Not much happening here, came down with the flu bug or what ever is going around this weekend. May be joining a couple of other guys from Okanogan in chartering a boat for a round the clock shot up inside Vancouver Island. Not sure what kind of boat as yet, but the option is looking like a Wylie 52. Tenative date is March 29-April 6th or so, looks like about $650 or so. If you have some time , let me know. The specs of the boat are in yachtworld
Keep your blog going I always find it interesting '
The old man
Why says I didn't?
I think I'll be busy (possibly in California) on those dates, but that sounds like a cool trip. Let me know more!
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