Thursday, March 13

Format change...

Decided I'd change things up a bit. The code for this one is much more dense, and since I don't know what the hell I'm doing, the trial and error to make it look the way I want is tougher. What do you think? The Bahamas image just didn't seem appropriate anymore... Also considering a new title. Any ideas?


Anonymous said...

Like your header photo. But then again I have no artistic talent
The old man

Will Waterstrat said...

Thanks! It's a panorama of the Sheepscot River taken from Spectacle Island. It's actually a 180 degree view. Looking south on the left at the shore of norther Spec., southern Spec., Isle of Springs, and back around looking north on northern Spec. I think it was about 7 photos stitched together. Awesome night that was...

Anonymous said...

Nice JOB I can't see the sitches
I wrote yu an email about the job in the San Juans
Awesome, but then I rarely score on these
The old man