Anyway, don't really feel up to writing a bunch this time, so here some photos. In short, drove to Boothbay on Friday, paddled out to Spectacle again, camped. Woke up, paddled back to the harbor, went for a short paddle with my friend Melissa and her friend (I worked with Melissa last summer). Had lunch. Drove over to Knickerkane Park, paddled around a bunch, back to Spectacle Island. Paddled back in the morning. Dropped off the boat, and headed home. Good times. On to the pictures...
View of Squirrel Island from Burnt Island.
Mouse Island from the beach on Burnt Island.
North Spectacle and Indiantown Island.
Isle of Springs and North Spectacle Island.
South Spectacle Island and the Sheepscot River.
I love this island.
Quite a scramble to get up there in 10 seconds... Looking SE towards Southport.
The air might have been warm (70's), but the water was still frigid.
Glacial Striations.
Home sweet home.
Isle of Springs at dusk.
See if you can guess what this is...
Looking towards Townsend Gut with a nearly full moon.
Nerd picture. Rock hammer for scale.
Indiantown Island and Townsend Gut another night with the moon even brighter.
Sure beats waking up to an alarm clock.
The backriver near "the terrible tube".
Took a couple videos too, but haven't had the patience to upload them yet. Maybe later.
1 comment:
Nice Sunshine. I love the dawn and dusk on the water. Think Peter Alison and so others are planning a couple day flat-water river trip up around bellingham for memorial day weekend. Got to see my knee cap this week and think I might be limping for a couple months. Barely made it through the parade. It was Snow in the morning and rain in the afternoon up in the Willapas last week. Looking for better this time around.
Thanks for the caver info on the bats. We might be starting a couple projects out here do to the wind turbines and other sources of bat mortality.
Take care
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