Monday, March 20

Primeval Forest Cave Pictures

Collecting samples.

Athena in some hole.

Surveying in action.

Me in some hole...

Nasty thorny plants that were common on the surface.

Looking up from the bottom of one of the many pits.

Lots of these vines/roots all over the place...

Coming out a crawlway halfway up the wall of a 20' pit...
Waiting for the ride home.

Caves Point, in NW New Providence - a tourist stop.


Anonymous said...

looks like A kick ass spring break man. Wish I could have been there with you. Its the first day of spring.

Anonymous said...

Whats your general impression of San Salvador and the Gerace Center. I fired off an inquiry and may complete tha application. So let me know if it is interesting and pleasant enough.
Racked up about 95 miles on the Bike this weekend. Rhode from Conconully to Loomis and back. Still snow between Conconully and Fish Lake and cold. Went down about 6 time, sliding in smow ruts and mud. Was miserable to the point I thoight is was gonna die on the way back, Pretty bonked, cold and dehydrated. But survived for another day. Hope all is well.
Let me know, the old man

Will Waterstrat said...

San Salvador's a really cool place. Really a pretty laid back island. However, the GRC is about the busiest place on the island (besides the bars at night). They have lots and lots of groups that go through that place. There were 150 people on the premisis at one point when we were down there. From what I understand, the director's job involves getting all these people to and from the island, in addition to the hassles of getting the supplies they need and all that. San Sal is about as isolated as you can get in the Caribbean. I like that about it, but I imagine that makes logistics a pain in the ass. If you're really serious I can get you in touch with Mylroie, since he knows the current outgoing director personally and Don Gerace (who its named after) well. If nothing else, I bet Mylroie would let you tag along on one of the December trips. It's really quite neat.