Wednesday, February 28

Mammoth Cave

A couple pictures from the trip to Mammoth Cave this past weekend... (in no particular order)

Passage in Floyd Collins Crystal Cave. Most of this was dug out by hand, by one guy.

Large Chamber in Floyd Collins Crystal Cave. Guy on the left is Leif Mylroie.

Down in Cedar Sink, a resurgence. Mylroie is the bald guy in the green coat.

Looking down into Cedar Sink

Water droplets on the ceiling.

Crossing a bridge somewhere in Mammoth.

Large phreatic tube (~10m wide).

Somewhere on the tourist trails...

Mushroom beds from back in the day...

Wednesday, February 21

4 years.

It hurts as much as it ever has. I wish I could somehow go back and prevent what happened. I would do anything. There's still nothing I can say that explains how I feel, so rather than attempt and fall short, I just won't say anything at all. If she knows, that's all that matters. Life goes on I guess.

Saturday, February 17

Pictures from Mike Lace

The following pictures were taken by Mike Lace (the cave mapper guy) this past trip to San Salvador. He uses an old SLR (film), and these are scans of those...

Making our way out to a sea cave on Cut Cay.

Rice Bay side of North Point.

Cliffs at the Gulf... lots of sea caves along here...

A rare shot of the interior. The remains of the building are known as "Watling's Castle". This is on the south end of the island looking roughly north.

The beach at the Columbus monument. Shade courtesy of casaurina trees...

Taking GPS points for Athena, north point.

Taking a GPS position on Cut Cay.

Stuffing something back in my backpack... at the Gulf.

Watling's Blue Hole, looking west towards Grotto Beach.

Jamie, Athena and I on the way to a big tafone on Cut Cay.

The pier at north point. Field station off to the left. Ah the memories...

Me crouching at the entrance to "The Master's Lair" sea cave (or is it?).

Checking a station in a tafoni cave on Cut Cay.

Tuesday, February 13


It's been a while since I've had time to write anything on here. Still haven't got a lot of time, so here are some things that I've been up to or will be up to or whatever else comes to mind...
-I've been working almost nonstop on my thesis, generating the data I'll use. I'm done now, so it's time for analysis and writing...
-I've started looking for jobs, all over the place really. I don't want to live in the SE anymore, but other than that, it's pretty wide open.
-I'm going out to California for spring break (I'll be there March 9th-14th) to visit a friend. I'll be in Pasadena for most of it, but we'll probably be doing some driving around too.
-I got a haircut today, from an actual barber. It's been quite a while since I've been to a barber, since Kristen always cut my hair. Turned out well I think. Not any better than what Kristen did though.
-I won't have anyone to share my Valentine's day with for the first time since I lived in Seattle (in 2001).
-I've been letting Zephyr roam the house all day this past week (we used to keep her in her crate while we were gone), and she hasn't torn anything up yet.
-Last I heard, Kristen is doing pretty well, but busy with school as usual.
-I haven't had much time to ride lately, and it probably shows.
-I put my rack on the 'cross bike and started using the panniers again. I think it rides even better with a load on. Love that bike...
-I'm jealous of the people up north getting all the snow (they probably wish they were rid of it).
-I'll be going to Mammoth Caves again on the 23rd-25th. Ford and Amanda are probably going to tag along. It will be fun to introduce them to the wonders of caving.
-I don't understand most people.
That's about it I guess...
Here's a random picture:

Southfarm of course...