Tuesday, April 11

Southfarm again.

Took a little stroll at Southfarm Sunday afternoon. Found a couple turtles, took a couple pictures... (reptile pictures as promised)


Rock shadows...

Zephyr the turtle hunter comes to my aid.

Kristen with a hungry turtle, me in the background with another one.

He's a grumpy turtle.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,
Are those pictures by any chance taken in the drainage channel at the bottom of the hill where we used to have picnics at South Farm? The one where you rode your big wheels down? It seems vaguely familiar...
Glad to see that you are taking a little time to relax.

Will Waterstrat said...

Yes indeedy. The big ditch along the main road... off to the left in that picture of Kristen walking along...

Will Waterstrat said...

Although, that hill we used to ride the bigwheels down is now a softball complex, and a parking lot, and not so much a hill. I remember we used to have picnics under those big trees up there. Ah yes, the good ol' days of Southfarm. It's still one of my favorite places down here...