Wednesday, March 7

The cat needs a name.

No, I'm not going to adopt it, but I'm tired of calling it "the cat". It's got sort of a mustache marking on it's face, so I was thinking of names of famous people with mustaches...

Adolf (as in Hitler)
Charlie (Chaplin)
Joseph (Stalin)
Ernesto ("Che" Guevara)
Mario (from the video game)
Hogan (as in Hulk Hogan)
Worf (the friendly Klingon on Star Trek)
Mark (Twain)
Friedrich (Nietzsche)
Paul (Waterstrat)

What do you think? I'd rather avoid the fascists and commies, but whatever... :)


Anonymous said...

It's "Charlie" for sure.
Are you still heading out tomorrow?

Anonymous said...

Ned (flanders)
John (cleese)
Jimmy (hendrix)

Anonymous said...

I'll sue if you name him after me. Seems both PETA and the humane folk would object
Hope all is well, looking forward to seeing you again.

You missed Groucho as in Groucho Marx, of course that was before your time- forgot my age there
The old man

Will Waterstrat said...

I know of the Marx brothers, but I couldn't remember which had the 'stache.

Anonymous said...
