Monday, February 20

Birthday, Weather, etc...

Well my birthday went well. I can't believe that I'm 24 now. Man, where did all the time go? I'm only 6 years from being 30! Not as close as Teal though, heh heh. Got a card from Kristen's grandparents, Kristen, Athena, and Mama D & Freddy. Erik (Mylroie) made me a cake and Joan (Mylroie) and the other grad students sang happy birthday to me. It was nice but of course I was embarassed. I hate being the center of attention...
Athena got me a garlic press, since I had recently been bitching about having to chop up cloves of garlic and fresh garlic is just better than garlic powder. Kristen gave me a "coupon" for a digital camera, so I ordered one of those yesterday. I got one that is touted as being waterproof. They even advertise it in a bag with a goldfish and in a martini glass. The last camera I bought (a Sony) crapped out because of a humid summer, and it may have gotten a bit damp from kayaking too. This one is a Pentax Optio WPi or something. Little, light, point-and-shoot, 6-megapixel, and waterproof! That last one is key! I'm excited about that, especially since I can actually almost afford it since I sold the trials bike. So expect more pictures to be coming along.
I also wanted to mention the weather. Man it's been all over the place. Last Monday (or was it Saturday?) it snowed a bit, then by Friday it was up to 72, then it got cold and rained over the weekend, and this morning we have freezing rain! What's going on around here? Not that I'm complaining. I think a little variety is nice. I'm not as bummed out as I usually am this time of year, after 7 or so months of winter...
Kristen made it through her crazy week. She had 6 tests last week. She also had one the Friday before, and one tomorrow, so that's 8 tests in less than 2 weeks. Hard-working, crazy kid. I've been struggling with GIS stuff again. As usual, I think I know what to do, I just don't know how to make the computer do what I want it to, or it won't do what I tell it. Frustrating as hell. I sure don't want to be a GIS person for a career. It's a handy-dandy tool, but certainly not what I want to spend the rest of my life doing.
Speaking of that, Mylroie was down in the Bahamas last week, and aparently there's another possible project to do. Nassau National Trust or something is trying to set up some sort of National Park on Long Island Bahamas, and they need to have a "karst inventory" (survey of their caves and karst resources) done. So far, I think the coastal cave morphology thing interests me the most. I should probably mention this to him, so he doesn't stick me doing something sucky. Bahamian caves are all pretty darn small, and being a big dude, I don't want to be squeezing my way through tiny, roach-enfested, guano-encrusted little shitholes any more than I have to. The coastal caves don't really have that problem...
So that's that. Thanks for the birthday calls and goodies.

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