Sunday, February 12

Frames for Teal... and snow!

So, Teal, here's pics of those two frames I was telling you about. The Trek is Reynolds 501 and is brand spanking new. Nary a scratch or blemish on it. Nice deep black paintjob... The Peugeot is Reynolds 531 (top o' the line for its day I think). It's got some scratches and the fork (also 531) has a little rust. Nothing some WD-40 and steel wool won't handle (best rust remover ever). Mike says the BB on the Peugot may be Italian, I haven't checked yet... could always use the BB it's got already, it seemed fine. Anywho, here's the pics...

Trek, driveside

Trek, nondriveside

Trek, front end

Trek, BB area

Peugeot, driveside

Peugeot, BB area

Peugeot, non driveside

Peugeot, front end

Another interesting thing... it actually snowed here in Starkville yesterday. Nothing accumulated, but it was still kinda neat. Here's a pic from the front door of the shop. Also notice the new look of the former "La Galerie", now called "Cotton Crossing"...

Snow in 'Vegas... (look really close and you might see some flakes)


Anonymous said...

Those frames are awesome, I especially like the details on the fork of the trek. The puegot rocks too, but unfortunelty I got a frame this weekend, should be built up by tonight. Bikes cost way too much.

Thanks for your help though. I'll send you a picture tonight. Hope all your friend on the east coast are having a good time in the snow.


Will Waterstrat said...

No problemo...
Yeah the paintjob on that trek is pretty luscious. So what'd you end up getting instead? If it's something too small, it seriously wouldn't be much trouble to box up one of these and ship to you. I'll cover it. They're not worth any more than I'll pay for them to Mike. No one will ever buy them...
Anywho, hang in there with the "real" job. Happy Valentine's day to Sheila.