Tuesday, October 10

St. Francis Grotto, Mt. Alvernia, Cat Island, Bahamas.

I'm posting this here because Mylroie needs to see it but it won't fit in an attachment...
Edit: I just realized I forgot to add a that one large skylight above our main survey station. I'll add it.

If you're curious... this cave is unique because it is a flank margin cave, which usually form pretty close to sea level. However, this one is near the top of the highest point in the Bahamas, at around 55m. So this implies that sea level got that high or something else is going on. But, there's no evidence anywhere else to support a sea level 180' above the present. During the last interglacial (~10-15000 years ago) the sea level was about 6m higher than present... So it's a bit of an anomaly!

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