Thursday, May 12


Well, things are really coming together down in Mississippi. We've got the apartment all set up, and it sounds like it's going to be pretty much fully furnished by the time we get there, thanks to the Mylroies and the former tennant. In addition to the table we'll be taking down, there's already the following in the apartment: two beds (at least one is a double), two dressers, table, desk, fridge, toaster oven, couch, recliner, two window AC's, and a TV. All that will save us a lot of money and time searching garage sales. Most of it is coming from departing grad students the Mylroies know. I called them on the phone the other night. First time I'd actually spoken on the phone with Dr. Mylroie (since 8 or 9 years ago anyway), and he was just as nice and friendly as I remembered. I'm excited. The apartment is also very clean aparently. Haven't seen any pictures yet, but the Mylroies say it's a decent place, and I trust them. Haven't figured out what I'm going to do for a grad project yet, but Dr. Mylroie said not to worry about it - we'll figure something out. I'm stoked.
Went for a pretty long ride (for me) yesterday with Kristen. Rode to Colby College, did 3 laps of their cross country course (running/skiing XC course), rode to see Kristen's mom at work, and rode home. First time Kristen had taken her new bike off road. She did quite well. She didn't have her glasses on, so she wasn' t going so fast through the trees, but she can sure climb. She could probably drop me on the hills if she tried. It's still a bit soggy in spots, and she loved getting muddy. A few times she got caught in a muddy rut and said "uh oh" in a little kid voice. It was cute. About 2 hours all together, which is longer than I've ridden for in a while. More than half of it was road riding, but that's still time in the saddle - which is good. I'm hoping to get back seriously into it, maybe even race again (though that's a ways off).
Oh yeah, we won't be going down to Mississippi until after Kristen's national EMT test thingy. Since we got the apartment all set up, we figure it makes more sense to skip the whole apartment search trip. Should save us several hundred dollars in gas money, not to mention wear on the car. Whatever we can't fit in the car on the trip down, we will have shipped. Cheaper than driving I hope.
Kristen's all done with her EMT class and work at Colby. Her grade in the EMT class was a 95. she's so smart. She's probably going to have to study a lot for the national registry EMT class thingy, but I'm sure she'll ace that as well.
We'll probably be going hiking/backpacking tomorrow and the next day. Not sure where. Kristen wants to do Katahdin again (and so would I), but I doubt it's open yet. I was thinking we could take the AT (Appalachian Trail) north from Rangeley and over Saddleback to Poplar Ridge shelter. That's about 11 miles. Spend the night there and come back the next day. The weather is supposed to be nice. I think it's about 6 miles up to Saddleback, so if we didn't feel like the overnight, we could just turn around and come back. Hopefully it'll be breezy (it is today) and free of bugs. I remember crossing Saddleback on my thru-hike, and getting stalled by a moose. Stupid thing just wouldn't get out of my way...
Well, I'm going to go clear some junk out of the back of my car. Hope everyone is doing well.


Anonymous said...

Aren't you getting all hooked up with the stuff.

I ride at least two hours a day to work and back, but tonight I was going on a 10 minute beer run that turned into an hour and more rally through seattle parks. I just hadn't been on my mountian bike for so long.
It was a blast the skills were a bit rusty but so much fun. I wish you or ford could have been there like old times. Its really hard to find people to just rally around with here.
have a good hike tomorrow. Think I'll chill out in the new ballard library tomorrow and skip the rain, but tim and I are going for a quick sail sunday.
enjoy your vacation. I'll keep you posted on the new SS. its still just tubes in the corner now.

Will Waterstrat said...

I miss rides like that...