Wednesday, May 4


Hooray, I'm done! No more class, no more finals. I'm through with UMaine. Mostly. Still have to deal with them to get my diploma after field camp. And I have to work for Dr. Koons tomorrow, but otherwise, that's it. Not sure about grades yet, but I'll post those when I know.
Going down to Boothbay tonight, to get my rack and some other stuff in storage at the kayak shop. Should be a nice evening in Boothbay. Talked to Jeff on the phone today, and I heard a rumor that Travis may buy the buisness. That would be cool. Since I know Jeff has wanted to move on for a while now, and Travis will probably do well with it, if he doesn't smoke away all his profits that is...
The Moms (that's how I refer to Kristen's mom and her partner) bought a nice table for Kristen and I. It's 3 x 5 feet and nice simple wood. The legs come off, so I can probably put it on the roof of the car to take it down. They're also getting me a Brunton Pocket Transit (fancy compass/inclinometer geology tool) as a graduation present. Pretty sweet. They've been so generous and helpful.
Speaking of graduation, I'm not going through the ceremony. Don't see the point really, since no one I know will be there. I don't particularly want to sit around that long anyway. Mom and dad, if you'd like to get me a graduation present (and I don't expect you to, since you gave me money to help with the car and all that...), and that's a big if, I really need a raincoat. My raincoat, which I bought in Mississippi years ago, isn't waterproof anymore, and the one I bought on the AT doesn't fit anymore. I'll probably just get something cheapo at Walmart or West Marine. Just in case you were wondering for a present, that's something I really need. But I don't expect anything. Just to make that clear.
Anywho, going to search for apartments now.
Oh, if you make a comment, please leave a name so I know who it's from. Thanks.

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