Monday, May 2

one down, three to go.

Well, just got out of my advanced sedimentology final. Not too bad, especially for a grad-level class. I've liked that class quite a bit, despite it being at 8am (which means I have to be up around 5:30 to get here). I had to think really hard about a couple of the questions (wasn't sure what a regressive-barrier/lagoon system was), but I think it went pretty well. On the mid term, I actually got the best grade (a 91), and it's a class of 4 grad students and me.
I also got back my term paper, which was Development and Evolution of River Meanders. Got an A on that. I actually liked writing that one. One of the first papers I've ever written that I had to make shorter to fit the requirements. How 'bout that?
I think I'll be able to handle this grad school stuff. I realize I'll probably be working my ass off on my thesis (whatever that's gonna be...), but 2 classes per semester doesn't sound too bad. And none of them will be stupid classes I don't want to take (nutrition, analytical/persuasive writing, etc.). At least I hope not. But hey, as long as they're paying me, I suppose I'll take what they tell me to.
Dr. Mylroie and I haven't figured out yet what it is I'm going to be working on, so once finals are over, I need to get in gear and figure that out. Regardless, it looks like I'll get to bum around with him on some tropical islands, whether I study them or not.
I'm off to study for my geophysics final and my nutrition final. Study, study, study...


Anonymous said...

sweet man, good luck on your last couple tests. You are going to love the tropics. it is definately the place to be. And if you go to Rota ever keep an eye out for my favorite pocket knife. I'm being to plan my next escape from seattle. Big howdy to Kristen and Lexi.

Anonymous said...

Yer spending too much time on weird fantasies. Get moving on down the line

Will Waterstrat said...

Yer spending too much time on weird fantasies. Get moving on down the line"
Who wrote that and who's it directed towards?

Anonymous said...

The post is directed to you, man
Endangered bambo forests will be devastated to supply frames for all you sicko spandex wearing, granola eatin freaks who ride bikes.
The old man

Will Waterstrat said...

you confuse me sometimes old man...