Tuesday, May 17


Well, I did a bit better on grades than I thought I would... I thought I'd get a B- at best in that nutrition class, but I did alright...
CHF 351 - Human Sexuality: A
ERS 417 - Geophysics: A
ERS 532 - Advanced Sedimentology: A-
FSN 101 - Intro Food/Nutrition: B+
So, I had a 3.74 GPA this semester, bringing me to a 3.56 overall. The field course should be pass/fail since it'll be transfer credit I think (from another school), so it should remain the same. Pretty cool.


Anonymous said...

I am impressed with your sex grade. Sounds like you have spent more time with nutrition, less with sex. Sorry son, its an old man's looking back. A typical reaction when your ear hair grows out of control
So you are hauling off poor Kristen to Mississippi, leaving her in the heat of Starkpatch in the summer and you are blasting for the cool mountain air of the rockies. Sounds to me like Kristen needs some support for her initial MSU experience. Send me her email and phone # ,etc
Talk with you later and condrads on the grade
The old man

Will Waterstrat said...

I knew you'd say something about the "sex" class. It was about sexuality, not sex... I took it for an ethics requirement...